Septic Solution Plus
DIRECTIONS: Flush one (1) heaping scoop down toilet monthly or bi-weekly according to chart recommendation below.
Recommended Usage for Septic System Treatment
Monthly Bi-Weekly
Tank Size: 500-750 gallons 1000 gallons or greater
Bathrooms: 1-2 baths 3 or more baths
Septic Solution Plus is composed of a Natural Blend of
8 scientifically enhanced enzyme producing bacterial bio strains.
Bacillus Subtilis (2 strains)
Pseudomonas Putida (2 strains)
Pseudomonas Florescens
Bacillus Thuringiensis
Enterobacter Dissolvens
Bacillus Megaterium - Patented Advanced GRT ( Grease Removal Technology )
Enzymes Effect
Lipase Dissolves fats and grease by breaking down their molecular structure
Amylase Breaks down and rapidly dissolves all starches
Protease Feeds on organic waste in the protein family
Cellulase Liquefies paper products
Xylanase Aids in composting and breakdown of paper products